Orishá Babalu Aye, also known as Omolu, Obaluaye, and several other names, is a prominent deity in the Yoruba, Candomblé, and Santería religions. He is revered as the god of disease and health, embodying both the power to inflict illness and the ability to heal. Omolu's influence on a person's life is profound and multifaceted.
Omolu's/Babalu Aye's influence on a person's life encompasses physical health, spiritual cleansing, and deep psychological impacts. His followers often experience a life marked by a strong sense of endurance, a complex relationship with material wealth and social status, and a deep connection to both the joys and pains of life. This profound impact reflects the dual nature of Omolu as both the bringer of disease and the healer.
Omolu (Babalu Aye) manifests in over hundred forms, including
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