Orishá Obbá


The Orishá of Marriage, Endurance, and Rivers in Yoruba and Santería Religions. Obá, an Orishá in the Yoruba and Santería religions, is a multifaceted deity with profound influences and associations. She is one of the wives of Shango and embodies various aspects of femininity and strength.

Obá's influence in a person's life is profound and diverse. She embodies the virtues of marital fidelity, the nurturing power of the river, and the strength of feminine endurance. As a guardian of morality and protector of wives, her presence offers guidance and support in maintaining harmonious marital relationships. Her association with hard work and self-sacrifice underscores the importance of dedication in both personal and professional realms. In the face of betrayal and sorrow, Obá offers consolation and the strength to overcome adversity, making her a powerful figure of resilience and fortitude in the Yoruba, Candomblé and Santería faiths.

About the ORISHÁ 

Roles and 

  • Goddess of Marriage and Domesticity: Obá is revered as the epitome of marital fidelity and domestic virtues, embodying the values of marriage and home life​​.
  • Goddess of the River: Like other female orishas, Obá is associated with the river, symbolizing the nurturing aspect of water and life-giving forces​​.
  • Symbol of Female Endurance: Known for her endurance and strength in mythology, Obá is a symbol of female resilience​​.
  • Patroness of Women: As a goddess of marriage and symbol of endurance, she is viewed as a patroness of women, particularly married women​​.
  • Guardian of Feminine Morality: Obá represents virtues such as fidelity, patience, and fortitude, guarding feminine morality​​.
  • Protector of Wives: Invoked as a protector of wives and the sanctity of marriage, Obá stands as a guardian figure in marital relationships​​.
  • Goddess of Hard Work and Labor: She symbolizes the dedication involved in maintaining a household and caring for a family​​.
  • Symbol of Self-Sacrifice: Often portrayed as self-sacrificing in myths, Obá is willing to endure hardship for her loved ones​​.
  • Representative of Betrayal and Vengeance: Some myths depict her experiences of betrayal and her quest for vengeance, symbolizing the pain caused by betrayal​​.
  • Goddess of Sorrow and Consolation: Known for her trials and suffering, Obá is also a goddess of consolation, offering strength in adversity​​.

Characteristics and Symbolism

  • Symbols: Obá is represented by a sword, fan, bow and arrow, shield, and copper bow and arrow​​.
  • Colors: Her colors are yellow, red, and brown, signifying various aspects of her nature​​.
  • Natural Places: Raging rivers are significant to Obá, reflecting her connection to turbulent waters​​.
  • Stones: Garnet, emerald, coral, tiger's eye, and ivory are stones associated with her​​.
  • Metal: Copper is a metal linked to Obá​​.
  • Health: She is connected to health issues related to hearing, the ear, and the throat​​.
  • Weekday: Wednesday is her designated day​​.
  • Element: Fire, raging rivers, battle, and war are elements associated with her​​.
  • Animals/Offerings: Offerings to Obá include goat, chicken, guinea fowl, duck, and specific plants and foods like Ocimum basilicum, Dracaena, and Amalá​​.
  • Syncretism: She is syncretized with St. Joan of Arc in some traditions​​.
  • Commemoration Day: May 30th and 31st are days dedicated to her commemoration​​.

Key Manifestations (Aspects)

Obá (Obbá) manifests in various forms, including

  • Obá Gideô
  • Obá Lodê
  • Obá Lokê
  • Obá Lomyin
  • Obá Syió
  • Obá Terá

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